Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Music: TRON Legacy: Reconfigured

Note: I've been unable to post recently because I seem to have come down with a cold. So far it's just a runny nose, and I hope it stays that way. 

Tron Legacy: Reconfigured on iTunes

Well, I think I've lost it. 

You might be asking "Alex, out of all the albums in the world, why did you have to review this one?" 

All I can say is that I have regrets when it comes to listening to this album, mostly because of just how loud it is. For those of you who've played Borderlands 2's Thanksgiving DLC, imagine Torgue's screaming. Take that, multiply the loudness by a couple hundred, remove the words so that all you hear is screaming, and change out the screaming with laser noises. That is what this album sounded like to me, and if I said I liked it, I'd be lying. If I said that I can appreciate the music on this album, I'd also be lying, as this does not sound like music to me; that, however, is just my opinion. 

Admittedly, I used to enjoy listening to this album, but that was when it first came out, and I was a lot younger back then. At the time, I wasn't sensitive to sounds and smells (I cannot be in the same room as an air freshener, or someone using cologne or perfume). Now I am, and I have a splitting headache stemming from listening to the entire album. 

If you are thinking about buying this album, and you believe that your taste in music is similar to my own, I would not recommend buying this album. You'd probably be better off watching TRON: Legacy, which isn't a bad film. It does have its flaws, and I do think they tried to use the whole "we're inside a video game" idea far too often, but I still found it enjoyable. 

By the way, please don't forget about my Patreon page! I'm still here!

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Anti-Monsanto stuff is okay though.