Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Music: Double Brutal by Austrian Death Machine

Notice: I do not regret listening to this album

Playlist: Double Brutal by Austrian Death Machine

Quick message to all first-time readers: my first review of an Austrian Death Machine album, Total Brutal, should be easy to find. I'd be happy if you read it before you read this one, even though you don't really need to. 

To everyone else: I couldn't find anywhere to link to except for a YouTube playlist, so that is what I linked to. 

More Schwarzenegger jokes, more references in the lyrics, and another hilarious album cover. Just what I expected to run into when I looked this up, and I do not regret doing so. I'm still laughing at all the jokes in between the tracks. 

I don't have any favorite tracks in this album, as I enjoyed each one equally. That means either this is a quality album, or I was laughing at the Schwarzenegger jokes too hard to pay attention to the album. Probably both, as when I start laughing, it's difficult to stop me. I should probably end this right here before I start making bad jokes (which I do a lot). 

Just kidding, this is the final paragraph, promise. Overall, the album was great for the same reasons as Total Brutal, which I also reviewed, but cannot be bothered to link to the review of. So, if you want to read the Total Brutal review, just find the search bar on the page and type in "Austrian Death Machine."

Announcement (Please Read)

As some of you may know, I now have a Patreon page. What is Patreon? Well, to put it simply, Patreon is a site where creators can make revenue from pledges made by fans (pledges of money, not allegiance). In return for the money, the people who make those pledges (they're called Patrons) get rewards chosen by the person they support. In my case, you can get rewarded with access to my original writings, such as poems and short stories, by pledging $1 per month. Keep in mind that you have to pledge at least $1 to gain access to my writings on my Patreon account. I'll make some publicly-available ones of equal quality to show all of you just what you can gain access to. 

Don't worry, all of the content on this blog will remain free forever, and you'll still be able to suggest any albums you think I should listen to. To check out my Patreon page, click on the logo at the bottom of this post. All of the Patron tiers, as well as the rewards that come with them (more money = more rewards), are there. 

Consider supporting me!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Update: READ IT!

Support Me (if you want)!

Hi, I'm Tachikoma Alex Cossack, as you all know. Most of you, however, probably don't know about my brand-new Patreon page! This is where you can support me by pledging to give me an amount of money of your choosing each month. Minimum for rewards is $1, and the rewards get better and better as the price gets higher and higher (currently, highest is $5/month). Supporting me means that you get to see my original writings (poetry, short stories, reflections on life, etc.), as well as pictures of my dog (he's a schnoodle, which is a mix of schnauzer and poodle). Don't worry, there will be way more writing than doggy pictures. In fact, I already published a patron-only post. Want to see it? Pledge at least $1! Hooray for shamelessly trying to get people to give me money!

Don't worry, my content here will remain free for as long as it exists. I just thought that it might be time to start making an income from something I enjoy doing, even if it isn't that much.

Also, I run a Discord server now.

Click the little logo below (which I copy/pasted from the Patreon help center), and you'll see my Patreon page! I plan on making visual improvements to both this blog and my Patreon page over time.

 Support me via Patreon!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Music: The Near Future by I Fight Dragons

I can't think of anything to say before the review. 

And I finally have images that my antivirus won't stop me from putting in here. 

So here. We. Go.

The Near Future on the IFD Store.

"Eighteen at a traffic light/Got nowhere to be on a Friday night/I got it all."

This is by far the best set of opening lyrics that I've heard in a long time. In fact, the whole album now ranks among my top 7 (still have to make that list). I have never heard such smooth transitions from one track to another (listen to the whole album). If you aren't paying attention, you'd probably think that the whole album is one giant track.

Track IV: Another Week, reminded me of another one of I Fight Dragons' songs, cRaZie$, from their debut album Kaboom! I liked this, and I like even more that the digital version of the album comes with the DEMOs (deleted tracks) and a .pdf to narrate the story told in Track I thru Track IX. Okay, the Deluxe Digital Package does, and that's the one I have.

Overall, I enjoyed this entire album. It was a great album in every way, and there was not a single track that I didn't enjoy. This is one impressive album, and I am happy that I decided to get this instead of something else.

Now here's my top 7 albums:

  1. Portal 2 OST [SONGS TO TEST BY]
  2. The Near Future by I Fight Dragons
  3. Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY
  4. Kaboom! by I Fight Dragons
  5. DEMOlition: Songs That Didn't Make KABOOM!
  6. Red vs. Blue Season 9 Soundtrack
  7. Red vs. Blue Season 10 Soundtrack