If you're wondering why all of my reviews this week have been for Red vs. Blue albums, I review whatever I feel like reviewing at the moment, and this is what came into my head just now.
"This place is filled with mean ladies!" -Private Michael J. Caboose
I kid you not, that was the first few seconds of Agent Tex, and then you have Tucker shouting "What's so hard to understand about swish swish stab?!" and "Step away from the idiots!" I can't stop laughing at that. I have a good feeling about this soundtrack (I'm listening to it as I write this review). So far, Agent Tex one of my all-time favorite tracks from the entire series.
Now we listen to the 49-second track, Prelude, which is also awesome. I do wish that this was made into a 5-minute track... okay, now Boss Battle is playing; it is a theme of epic proportions, and for some reason, it reminds me of the motorcycle chase theme from Final Fantasy VII.
I do not know how to describe just how well Plagam Extremem Infligere sounds.
The Pelican Has Landed: pure awesome. Also, it brings back memories of the Portal 2 OST.
Rally (Sarge's Speech) is a track that I don't remember hearing in the show, but I can always go on YouTube to find out. Note: Just watched a clip of the speech, and Rally was playing in the background. Quite fitting.
Red vs. Blue (the track), has incredible lyrics. Just listen to it, and you'll see what I mean. I won't say anything more about this song, I don't want to spoil it.
I won't say anything about the other tracks, since I definitely recommend that any fans of Red vs. Blue (the show) buy this CD. Buy it off of the RT Store, not iTunes. On iTunes, it costs $9.99, while on the RT Store it costs $4.95, so you're better off buying it from the RT Store. Rooster Teeth is also better off that way, since as far as I can tell, they don't have to share any profits they get from purchases on the RT Store with Apple.
Overall, the Revelation soundtrack is unforgettable. Each of the tracks sound amazing, whether you listen to them on their own, or they play in the background of the show. Few things have made me laugh and get this sense of epicness at the same time. I can't stop laughing after listening to Forge World, Your Best Friend, Sarge's Blues, and I'm Am The Best, which are all exclusive to this soundtrack, meaning they were not played in the background in any episodes of the show.
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Anti-Monsanto stuff is okay though.